My job is to trust God when I don't have the options or information or choices that I would like, because after all, He sees the big picture and understands where I am going and why.
This is why I live a walk of faith.
So, I do not have the luxury of knowing that I am preparing for a little bitty baby and all that it entails, I do not know that we need to be ready for a toddler or a pre-schooler or an elementary age child. I don't have the luxury of a due date or even an approximate date. We may not have any more notice than a few hours or we may have longer. We don't know if we will get 1, 2 or maybe more children at the same time. We may not ever have children. We don't know if they will be boys or girls.
We don't know what will happen come May when our lease is up! Our landlords want to sell the house but we are not necessarily in a position where we can finance the house, especially in the current economy and the status of our jobs.
Are you beginning to understand how difficult this situation can be for a person who likes a well ordered, organized life? Yes, this is my life.
So, that said, the areas that I can prepare for, I will and I will trust and lean completely on the amazing grace of God as He has gotten me this far!
We know that all children need a bedroom! That is something that we can work on.
So, Carter and I went on a quest yesterday. A quest unrelated to much of anything that ended on a different path. (I actually was looking for a shelf for my nail polish so that I can see them, but I am rather particular and never found what I was looking for.)
Carter decided we should not tell Chad, but instead keep it a surprise. (He was at work for the weekend.) Paint away we did, Carter was very excited about getting to paint and be involved, so we turned on music and got started. We eventually evolved to Adventures in Odyssey which we both enjoy.
Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows |
Carter eventually went out to play with friends while I worked on the edging and the trim and listened to Anne of Green Gables.
We successfully painted the room finishing up for dinner at 9 pm. Ok, a little focused and lost in my own little world, we ended up staying up until midnight but we had such a good time together that it was worth it. And today is Labor Day so we didn't have a specific agenda or schedule for the day.
Finished Product (and a new hair cut) |
Chad was impressed with our hard work and liked the color.
Now we begin to look for other necessary items, a bed, dresser, etc.
We start our home study this week. Chad and Carter have their individual interviews and we turn in copies of all sorts of things.
Step by step we are getting there. Focusing on the little things helps keep me sane.