Have you ever reached a point where you wonder, "What is God doing right now?" And then all around you are "signs", as if God is trying to get your attention? When all kinds of things show up in your facebook feed, like these!

I tend to get caught up in motion -- forward motion. I like a plan and a mission. I want to know what is next, what is coming. I like to be in control. And therein lies the problem.
Me being in control means that God is not in control. It means that I have taken back the reigns and feel that I am better at my life.
I am not unaware of these issues -- but that does not make it any easier to make the necessary changes. To confess -- To release -- To surrender
The more I refuse, the more I find myself thrashing through life wreaking havoc in the relationships around me.
I don't rest, wait, or meditate well.
Isaiah 30:15 says, "This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: 'Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength'."